Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology for the week of July 26 – Aug 1, 2015:
We start the week with a bang as Uranus turns retrograde on Sunday. As with all retrogrades, the planetary energy is turned inward, making those sudden flashes of Uranian brilliance and insight all the more real. Uranus is known as the “great awakener” and loves to shake things up — just to make sure we’re paying attention. It’s a naturally rebellious archetype, but the retrograde makes it less about bucking the system and more about challenging our own deeply personal ideals.
A trine between Mars and Chiron (also on Sunday) can soften some of this erratic Uranian energy, which is a good thing as Mars is still closely squared to Uranus. The trine makes it easier to acknowledge other people’s points of view and to see value in where they’re coming from. Mars / Uranus may want to confront those differences but Mars / Chiron wants to honor and embrace them. Think about which of these is going to better serve you down the road and then align yourself with that energy.
On Monday, there’s a sextile between the Sun and North Node. Since the Nodes are always polar opposites, it will also automatically trine the South Node. These aspects between the Sun and Nodes can bring people in that you’re working through past-life karma with (South Node) or creating new karma with (North Node). Of course these are often one and the same.
Pay attention to new people coming in during this time, as well as interactions that trigger you emotionally. These are harmonious aspects (trine and sextile) that should make for pleasant interactions with others, as well as opportunities to work together.
Tuesday’s Mercury / Neptune inconjunct can see you wasting time on meaningless distractions or getting confused by what should be simple directions. This aspect is all about getting your wires crossed and can manifest as misunderstandings or miscommunications. Be careful too that you don’t misread people, as in placing your trust in the wrong ones or expecting more from them than they can deliver. Don’t buy into everything you read or hear during this time: if it seems too good to be true it probably is, By the same token you don’t want to let your imagination run away with you and start making assumptions about people that are undeserved.
Mercury moves into an inconjunct aspect with Pluto on Thursday, making it a little harder to keep intrusive thoughts at bay. This also goes for the people in your life, who may seem defensive, obsessive or paranoid during this time. Mercury / Pluto is excellent for ferreting out hidden information, but you may need to adjust your dial.
On Friday, Venus retrogrades back into Leo — at the 29th (or Anaretic) degree. This is a critical degree, made even more so by the fact that a planet is backing into it rather than advancing through it. You’ll have an opportunity to redefine your priorities during this time. Ask yourself: What is really important to me? What do I truly value? Venus in Leo is warm and expressive, loyal, dignified, and proud.
Again you have options as to how you want this energy to manifest, and since it happens on the same day of the Full Moon — in forward-thinking, humanitarian Aquarius — that shouldn’t be too hard to do. This is the second Full Moon of the month by the way, making it an official “Blue Moon.” The Full Moon in Aquarius emphasizes humanitarian ideals; recognizing that there’s a place for all of us in this world and that we each have something unique to contribute.
We end the week with a Sun / Neptune inconjunct on Saturday. This aspect can translate to big dreams that are either unrealistic or unreachable. It can also manifest as disillusionment, especially as reality sets in. The solution isn’t to just throw in the towel: it’s to figure out ways to make them happen, which will involve making adjustments. Realistic adjustments. Small goals that lead to bigger goals is a good place to start.
That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!
Weekly Astro Forecast:
July 26-Aug 1, 2015
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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