Here is the Ask the Astrologers Astrology Forecast for the week of Nov 29 – Dec 5, 2015:
This week starts with a Sun / Neptune square on Sunday, which may see you feeling unsure about yourself and questioning your own self-worth as well as how you may be perceived by others. This aspect can manifest as insecurity, self-doubts, and hypersensitivity to criticism.
You may be struggling to figure out who you really are and what you really stand for. The Sun / Neptune square can cloud your vision, especially with respect to your identity (the Sun). Don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others, or looking for ways to emulate them.
The Sun conjuncts Saturn on Monday, and brings with it the structure and discipline that are necessary for formulating your long-term goals. If you’re making plans for the future — as in the year ahead — this is an excellent time to do it.
The Saturn / Sun conjunction is excellent for focusing on your career and professional goals as well; since it takes place in the sign associated with higher mind ideals (Sagittarius), you might be thinking about going back to school or rounding out your spiritual aspirations.
On Tuesday, Mercury trines Uranus and squares Chiron. The trine to Uranus is great for brainstorming and thinking outside the box. With these two planets in fire signs (Sagittarius and Aries respectively), you should be passionate about your ideas and the way that you express them.
The square to Chiron can bring feelings of guilt and regret to the surface. You may be questioning whether you’ve done enough to help others or whether you’ve said the right things. You may also be more gullible than usual so be careful you don’t fall prey to some undeserving culprit’s sob story.
On Thursday the Moon conjuncts Jupiter and squares Mercury, leading into the partile square between these two planets the following day. This transit can manifest as an exaggerated emotional state or dramatic mood swings.
You want to temper some of that excess sensitivity with some good old fashioned common sense, especially if you’re inclined to attract people to you who drain you emotionally.
You may be feeling feel particularly energetic and enthusiastic when Mercury and Jupiter complete their square on Friday. The potential for overdoing things — as in over-committing, over-indulging and over-extending yourself — is strong. Be careful not to make promises you can’t keep or annoy or others with your outlandish ideas.
Mercury and Jupiter are in the unique position right now of being debilitated (by sign) but also in mutual reception. The mutual reception can ease some of the tension created by the square aspect and sign debilitation, but it’s still not ideal. There’s still the potential for biting off more than you can chew and finding yourself in hot water as a result.
On Saturday, Venus moves into Scorpio, the sign of its detriment. This placement is often misunderstood due to preconceived notions about how Venus (the planet of love, romance, affection and beauty) is supposed to behave.
There are many positive aspects with this placement, but because the dark side of Scorpio is prone to trust issues, jealousy, possessiveness and control, it can manifest as less than favorable. Still there’s more passion, depth, intensity and intimacy in this archetype than any other Venus placement, so don’t give into your fears. Let your guard down, open your heart, and be willing to take a walk on the wild side.
That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
Nov 29 – Dec 5, 2015
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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