Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Sept 13 – Sept 19, 2015:
This week starts with a partial solar eclipse on Sunday (at 2:41 am Eastern time). This is a New Moon at 20° Virgo, the sign associated with work, efficiency, duty and service. This eclipse creates a shift in consciousness related to these areas as well as the house it falls in your natal chart.
In what areas do you need to shift your own focus toward being more productive and of service to others? Where do you need to make improvements? What aspects of your Self / your life / your relationships do you need to put in more time and effort? These are the questions you want to be asking yourself as a result of this eclipse.
The effects of the eclipse can last up to six months, but will be strongest over the next two weeks, as we move toward this month’s total lunar eclipse (on the 28th). The solar eclipse brings to light what has been obscured by our emotions — our innermost longings and desires — as opposed to what might be best for us. It causes us to see things in a whole new light, which in turn brings a clarity to even our most heart-wrenching decisions.
This can be a wakeup call if you’ve been walking around in a daze, but will be a welcome one in the long-run. Eclipses tend to force you to “get clear” about your situation and make the necessary changes, even if those changes are ones you’ve been dreading in the past.
Speaking of walking around in a daze — Jupiter opposes Neptune on Thursday, just as Mercury turns retrograde. The Jupiter / Neptune opposition can feel like you’re walking around in a state of euphoria — which would be a good thing if it weren’t just mostly smoke and mirrors, which it probably is. This aspect can have you feeling like you’re on cloud 9 or pummeling down toward the abyss. It may be hard to keep your bearings, especially with Mercury also turning retrograde.
Everyone who knows anything about astrology seems to know a little about Mercury retrograde. In general it means that Mercury-ruled things go a little haywire. Communications tend to run amok, plans get turned on their head, communications devices (computers, electronics, cell-phones, etc) and written communications (emails, texts, letters, etc.) get lost or misconstrued. It’s not a good time to sign contracts or legal documents and not a good time to purchase Mercury-ruled items (automobiles, televisions, computers and so on).
The good news is that the world really does keep on turning when Mercury goes retrograde. People do fall in love, get married, have babies, win lotteries. In other words, the “unexpected” is not always such a bad thing. So expect the unexpected, and be on the lookout for a few curveballs to be thrown your way — as well as some unanticipated gifts and surprises — over the next three weeks.
Finally, on Friday, Saturn leaves Scorpio for good (well, for the next 28+ years anyway) and moves into Sagittarius. This marks the onset of a 2-1/2 year period where higher knowledge, wisdom, personal expansion and a broader understanding of different cultures and ideologies will come to the forefront of our collective awareness. As Saturn represents consciousness and maturity, taking a serious look at these things gets us one step closer to understanding ourselves and our world.
This is an important transit that speaks of getting serious about what you believe in and how you apply those beliefs to your day-to-day existence. It can slow things down and make you feel all alone in the world, but it can also bring you the strength and determination to make changes where changes need to be made.
Where are you ready to take a hard look at your life and weed out what is no longer working for you? In what ways are you ready to grow up and start doing the work that needs to be done? Wherever Saturn falls in your natal chart — and where this current transit falls — will tell you a lot about how the Saturn in Sagittarius cycle will affect you personally.
That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast — Sept 13 – Sept 19, 2015
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
Don’t forget to check out more Weekly Astro Forecasts and our Monthly Horoscopes too!
Want to see where these transits are hitting your natal chart? Check out our Free Natal Chart Calculator.
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