Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Apr 16, 2018 – Apr 22, 2018:
This week starts with a New Moon on Monday at 26° Aries 02, conjunct Uranus. New Moons bring opportunities to plant seeds that we can then coax to maturity over the duration of the (28-day) lunar cycle. This marks a time during which the focus should be on exploring the many possibilities before you.
As Aries is the sign associated with fresh starts and new beginnings this should be a time for taking a leap of faith and going after your heart’s desires. It’s about facing your fears, taking risks and trying something new.
Add Uranus to the mix and thoughts of taking a stand, dedicating yourself to a cause, pushing past social limitations and exploring your own unique identity begin to take shape.
The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “Through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained.” This is particularly meaningful this week as three planets are changing direction, with two of them — Saturn and Pluto — turning retrograde. As retrogrades generally provide opportunities to revisit, review and revise, this Symbol speaks of opening doors for us to do just that.
On Tuesday, Venus opposes Jupiter and trines Pluto. The Venus / Jupiter opposition is bound to get you thinking about what’s wrong in your relationships — whether that means you aren’t in one and are feeling lonely, or you are in one that has become unfulfilling. This aspect can see one of you ready to throw in the towel and walk away.
Also on Tuesday. Chiron moves into Aries for for the first time in over 40 yrs. It will remain in Aries for only 5 months this first go-around, as it retrogrades back into Pisces in September) and doesn’t make it back into Aries until 2019.
Chiron in Aries is about dealing with issues related to individuation and self-realization. And not just our own. As it’s linked to the gentle warrior archetype, It can manifest as a desire to stand up for those who are unable to stand up for themselves. It can also make it easier for us to see and acknowledge other people’s points of view.
The Sun completes its conjunction to Uranus on Wednesday, just as Saturn turns stationary retrograde. The Sun / Uranus aspect is good for expressing yourself in ways that may not be conventional but can inspire tolerance and acceptance in others. As the Sun is tied to your life force, will and self-expression, while Uranus is tied to thinking outside the box, these planets joining together can be incredibly progressive and innovative. This aspect encourages you to march to the beat of your own drum and express your own unique individuality in ways that inspire rather than shock.
With respect to Saturn turning retrograde: you may be thinking about what (and whom) you want to retain in your life vs. what (or whom) you want to leave behind. You may feel the need to step back and regroup. This can mean ironing out the kinks in a union that’s faltering or bringing someone new in.
Saturn turning retrograde can make things seem a whole lot bleaker than they are. And because this change in direction is more about going back and fixing things than it is about putting them to rest, you’d be much better served to take some time to figure out what you need rather than rushing to judgment. Depending on where this transit is occurring in your natal chart, it can apply do areas that are in need of resolution.
Saturn will remain retrograde for almost 5 months (until Sept 7th), when it changes direction again in the early degrees of Capricorn and begins moving forward again.
The Sun moves into Taurus on Friday. This archetype speaks of getting in touch with nature and the earth, and with taking care of “business.” This is a good time for thinking about making, saving and investing money. It’s also a good time for taking care of your physical body and for indulging all five senses.
While the Sun was in Aries you may have been so focused on getting things done that you didn’t have time to stop and smell the flowers. The Sun in Taurus not only slows you down enough to do just that, it also heightens your ability to appreciate and enjoy the prospect.
On Sunday, Pluto turns stationary retrograde. Pluto is retrograde for around 6 months out of every year, and is reminiscent of its mythological counterpart in which Persephone goes down into the Underworld. Pluto will remain retrograde until October 2nd, when it starts its 6 month period of direct motion followed by 6 months in retrograde motion all over again.
This is a time for turning inward and developing your own internal power, rather than unleashing it on the outer world. It’s a time for concentrating your efforts toward getting in touch with your shadow side and mastering your own darker energies. It’s a time for regeneration and transformation that lasts for several months, until the cycle repeats itself.
That’s it for this week; see you next week!
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
Apr 16, 2018 – Apr 22, 2018
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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