Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Apr 30, 2018 – May 6, 2018:
We start this week with a Full Moon at 9° Scorpio 38 at 0:58 am UT on Monday (or at 8:58 pm EDT on Sunday ). This particular Full Moon is known as the Full Pink Moon in Native American traditions (named so for the blankets of fragrant pink flowers (phlox) that bloom at this time of year).
As Full Moons are said to shine a spotlight on areas in your chart that are affected (by house position and contacts to other planets) you might look to your own natal chart to see where this will play out for you.
In general, the Scorpio Full Moon provides an overview of the progress you’ve made since its New Moon counterpoint back in April. Seeds that were planted then will surely have sprouted; do you need to make adjustments or change your course entirely? Now is the time to think about what you’ve accomplished and where you want to go from here.
Also on Monday, the Sun squares the North and South Nodes, which is referred to in classical astrology as “at the bendings.” In particular the Sun is at the North bending which is a highly visible placement. Pay attention to what you put out there — what face you show to the outer world, and how you represent yourself.
The Sun at the Node’s bendings sets up a natural t-square which can manifest as a sense of frustration over discrepancies between what you’re experiencing internally and the image you feel the need to portray.
On Wednesday, Venus inconjuncts Saturn, which may put a bit of a damper on things. It can bring internal conflicts to the surface and see you questioning your own value. You may have to confront feelings of personal inadequacy — questioning whether you are worthy or deserving of the things you truly want.
As with all inconjuncts, the key is finding a way to resolve these internal conflicts, which generally involves finding a happy medium between two competing desires. In this case it’s about taking an honest look at your personal deficits and turning them into something more positive.
Fortunately Venus is involved in a much more pleasant aspect — a trine to the North Node — on Thursday. As Venus trines the North Node, it will automatically sextile the South Node, since the Lunar Nodes are always in direct opposition with one another.
This aspect can also bring new people into your life who feel familiar and who can be instrumental to your evolutionary process. This aspect is karmic in nature, meaning that the people you meet during this time are here to propel you toward your destiny — and vice versa. Your actions and interactions can have far reaching repercussions so make sure you treat the people you meet during this time (and all times) with dignity and respect.
On Saturday, Mercury inconjuncts Jupiter. This transit is complicated by the fact that Jupiter is retrograde. As Mercury and Jupiter are natural polarities, there’s a tendency to struggle with indecision, uncertainty, or absent-mindedness when these two planets are not in harmony.
With respect to their current placements, you want to make sure you have all the facts before you arrive at a decision, hold off on making promises that you might not be able to keep, and in general get clear about what you believe in before you start preaching your beliefs to others. The upside of this transit though is that it forces you to reevaluate what you do stand for and to make whatever adjustments are necessary to accommodate changing ideals.
We end the week with a nice Sun / Neptune sextile — in Taurus and Pisces respectively — on Sunday. This aspect can increase your sensitivity to outside influences and leave you feeling more susceptible to psychic impressions. It can be just what you needed to start your week on a mellow note — so mellow in fact that you may decide to sleep in and lounge around the house rather than rushing to prepare for a new work week.
That’s it for this week; see you next week!
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
Apr 30, 2018 – May 6, 2018
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
Don’t forget to check out more Weekly Astro Forecasts and our Monthly Horoscopes too!
Want to see where these transits are hitting your natal chart? Check out our Free Natal Chart Calculator.
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