Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Dec 10, 2018 – Dec 16, 2018:
This week begins on Monday with a Moon / Pluto conjunction that’s besieged by Saturn and Mars. This is a pretty powerful — and potentially destructive — configuration, especially with Moon debilitated in Capricorn, the sign of its fall. It can manifest as intense conflicts, power struggles, confrontations and mind games (among many other things).
As Moon transits are fleeting this combination may only produce short-lived effects. It references emotional and psychological changes, as opposed to material or external concerns. It encourages you to turn inward and evaluate your personal belief systems. The Capricorn Moon also refers to getting serious about your goals, your profession and your public standing.
On Tuesday, Mercury trines the North Node and inconjuncts Uranus. This is the third pass (recurrence) of the same set of transits that occured before Mercury went retrograde, then after it went retrograde and now again after it’s gone direct. For the most part, the Mercury / North Node trine is very positive. It’s all about developing a comfortable rapport with others. It’s about generating a meeting of the minds and communing with those who are on the same page.
The inconjunct aspect though is tricky, as it forces you to make adjustments rather than relying on status quo expectations. As Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, this aspect should see you moving past your ego and tapping into your higher consciousness.
It can manifest as feeling alienated or alone — or like the odd man out. But as you shift your energy toward humanitarian goals, you can make a great impact in your community. Use this transit to balance out the part of you that longs to save the world with the part that just wants to belong.
This is reinforced by the Moon moving into Aquarius, which it will have done by early Tuesday morning. The Aquarius Moon is good for channeling some of that Uranian energy into being more innovative and thinking outside the box. You may encounter some very opinionated people during this time, or you may find yourself getting a little more rigid about your own progressive ideas. It’s a good time to think about marching to the beat of your own drum. But try to tone down any inclination to be rebellious or defiant.
Mercury moves back into Sagittarius on Wednesday. This isn’t anything new: remember it spent the entire month of November in Sag, before it briefly retrograded back into Scorpio. Mercury is debilitated in Sagittarius, as the sign of its fall. But don’t let anyone tell you it’s not “happy” in this sign: aside for a penchant to exaggerate and insert its foot firmly in mouth, this placement is known to be just about as upbeat and optimistic as you can get.
It’s known for being positive and expansive. It’s a great storyteller — even when it feels the need to embellish a bit to make things more interesting — and is as interested in learning as it is teaching or disseminating information to others. This transit can see you getting a lot of the end of the week stuff done, and have a lot of fun doing it.
The Geminid meteor showers appear each year at this time, as the Earth’s orbit intersects their path. They’ll be visible in the early morning hours of both Thursday and Friday, with optimal viewing times around 2:00 am of Friday. This is because the Moon is still relatively New and will have set by around 10:00 pm.
But if you’re up at that hour stargazing anyway, you might want to stay up a little longer, since Mercury also reaches its greatest western elongation early Friday morning. This is the best time to see Mercury in the pre-dawn hours, since it’s further away from the Sun’s bright rays at that time.
By late Friday evening there will be a stellium of planets in Pisces (Neptune, the Moon, Mars and Chiron, with only Mars and the Moon visible to the naked eye) in the night sky. This is a highly sensitive and rather other-worldly lineup, made all the more so by the fact that it’s in Pisces, with Mars and Neptune straddling the Moon.
This aspect is loving, compassionate, creative and highly impressionable. It can increase psychic awareness and make you more susceptible to outside influences. It’s mystical and ethereal, but can also be incredibly naive.
We wind things down with a Venus / Saturn sextile on Sunday, making for some solid and productive changes in your relationships. It’s a good time to sit down and have a heart-to-heart with a loved one, as the Venus part of this aspect brings grace and diplomacy to an interchange that’s likely to have heavy undertones (Saturn).
Jupiter is at the midpoint of these two planets, semi-sextiling each one and creating a planetary picture. The Jupiter aspects permit you to keep things interesting without going too deep, while the Venus / Saturn sextile adds depth to the interchange without being too frivolous. In other words, they balance one another out.
This is a time for thinking more seriously about where you stand and what you want out of your relationships. It’s cooperative though — not combative — so there’s a lot of room for compromising your ideals with those of your partner, and for making mature decisions about where you go from here.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
Dec 10, 2018 – Dec 16, 2018
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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