Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Feb 19, 2018 – Feb 25, 2018:
This week starts on Monday with Mars trining the North Node (and thus automatically sextiling the South Node). We also have five planets in Pisces, with Venus exalted there and Mercury debilitated.
The Mars / Node transit is great for working with others on shared goals and ideals. It speaks of cooperation and collaboration, putting partnership or group needs ahead of individual ones. The stellium in Pisces reinforces this energy, by emphasizing collaboration and cooperation with others.
The Moon — still New — is in fiery, passionate, dynamic Aries on Tuesday, and is disposited by Mars, which is in mutual reception with Jupiter. This sets up some favorable opportunities for action and adventure. It’s not the time to get bogged down in monotony or routine. And it’s not the time to get too serious about anything. It’s more about trying something new and exploring your freedom and independence.
The Moon conjuncts Uranus and then goes void of course, around 11am, where it will remain until the Taurus ingress (at 7:11pm UT). The void of course Moon is a common occurrence; it marks the period of time between the Moon’s last aspect in one sign and its ingress into the next. Any aspects involving the Moon are temporary are likely to fly by almost imperceptibly.
But the Moon is exalted in sensuous, calm, mellow Taurus, and will be making several favorable aspects to that stellium in Pisces throughout the remainder of the day. The Taurus Moon is sensuous and indulgent, so if you feel like getting something done, it’s good for more than just lounging around the house. It’s good for putting your culinary skills to use, remodeling your home, doing yard work, gardening or landscaping, or anything that amounts to creating luxury and beauty in your environment.
This is a good time to put your own needs aside and come together with like-minded people. It’s a good time to think about ways to make the world a better place, especially on Wednesday, when Mercury sextiles Saturn and Venus conjuncts Neptune. Remember that Mercury is debilitated in Pisces (the sign of its fall) while Venus is dignified there (as Venus is exalted in Psices).
Even with Mercury debilitated, these transits emphasize the more positive Neptunian qualities of kindness and understanding. Mercury sextle Saturn is good for making plans, especially since Saturn is in Capricorn, the sign it rules. It’s a more sensitive and compassionate Mercury, where Saturn in Capricorn is good or putting a dent in any research you’re doing that involves scientific or step-by-step analysis. It’s also good for serious discussions that require you to get to the heart of the matter.
The Venus / Neptune sextile is strengthened by the fact that Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces and Venus is exalted there. Neptune is also the higher octave of Venus. This conjunction is associated with the purest forms of beauty, art and love.
It is merging completely with others — and with the Universe — and in this respect it’s associated with all of those areas that bring us together in ways that we can relate to one another — through things like music, romance, dreams and psychic connections. It’s visionary, mystical and idealistic. It’s also incredibly compassionate and altruistic. On a personal level it can inspire us to strive for ecstasy, nirvana and bliss.
On Thursday, Venus inconjuncts the North Node (and semi-sextiles the South). This transit can see you feeling at odds between what you value (Venus) and what you see as your life’s purpose (the North Node). The key with any inconjunct aspect is to find a way to make adjustments to satisfy both areas. In this case it calls for you align your ideals with what you see as your calling.
The asteroid Juno leaves Aquarius and moves into Pisces on Friday, joining 5 other planets there. This archetype is associated with feminine strength and power. As it steps into the sign most associated with the surrender (and the relinquishment of power), we may need to be thinking about how we can reconcile those two seemingly contradictory energies.
But Juno in Pisces reminds us that strength comes in many forms and that “power” isn’t the same as force or aggression. There is a gentle, loving and highly idealistic side to Juno in Pisces, which can be just as moving (and even moreso) as any sort of overt show of strength.
As the week winds down, we have Mercury conjuncting Neptune, the Sun sextiling Saturn, and Venus squaring Mars — all on Sunday. The Mercury / Neptune aspect is excellent for meditating, journaling, or any type of creative communications (songwriting, poetry, composing love letters, etc.) It’s also a highly sensitive aspect that favors getting in touch with your intuition and paying attention to your dreams.
The Sun / Saturn aspect emphasizes logic, discipline and the rational side of this configuration and lessens the confusion just enough to get things done. But the Venus / Mars square is a little less conciliatory; it can manifest as conflicts in your relationships. Here we have the love planet (Venus) and the planet associated with action, energy and aggression (Mars) butting heads.
Venus is exalted in Pisces, which brings out its purest, most compassionate expression. But it may be completely overwhelmed by the square to this rambunctious Sagittarian Mars. Try to keep your passions in check, and remember making love is always more fun than making war.or engaging in all-out warfare.
That’s it for this week; see you next week!
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
Feb 19, 2018 – Feb 25, 2018
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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