Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Jun 14, 2021 – Jun 20, 2021:
We start this week on Monday with Saturn squaring Uranus. This is an incredibly tense aspects that’s been in effect (within orb) for the last several months. It’s the planet that rules regulations, structure and tradition (Saturn) butting heads with the planet that rules change, progress and rebellion (Uranus).
We’re seeing the more stressful aspects of this transit playing out in real time all over the world: in government, politics and religion. It you’re familiar with the Tower card in the tarot, that’s what a Uranus / Saturn square is like, with Saturn representing the the Tower’s structure and Uranus representing the lightning bolt that knocks the whole thing down.
Later in the evening the Moon joins in, creating a Cardinal t-square with these two planets, with Uranus at the apex. This is a Leo Moon, which fortunately starts ticking off some more conciliatory aspects, and by Tuesday much of that tension will start to dissipate.
There’s a Mars / Jupiter inconjunct in play as well, and this can see you questioning the way you go about getting what you want. The inconjunct aspect calls for adjustments, and in this case it’s going to mean finding a middle ground between your desire to make things happen (Mars) and your tendency to rely on sheer luck (Jupiter).
The upside of these configurations is that they can clear away the dead wood to make room for progress. But they can also be disruptive or even catastrophic. And while it may seem like the rug is being pulled out from under your feet, remember that these kinds of shake ups are sometimes necessary in order to bring about change.
The Moon goes void of course around 5:30pm (UT) making no further aspects until it moves into Virgo early Wednesday morning. As Virgo is the sign associated with modesty, productivity, self-improvement and service to others, this Moon is great for shifting our collective focus toward these areas.
But the primary lunar transit on Wednesday is an opposition to Jupiter, which can throw a wrench into that natural Virgoan humility. It can manifest as a tendency toward exaggeration and dramatic emotional displays. It signals a need to pull it together emotionally rather than taking things too personally or letting your ego interfere with common sense.
On Thursday there are several more lunar transits, including a sextile to Venus, a square to Mercury, a trine to Uranus and an opposition to Neptune. This is all while the Moon is still in Virgo. These are mostly minor transits, with the more difficult ones (the square to Mercury and opposition to Neptune) manifesting as the potential for disagreements or minor irritations; which the more harmonious aspects (the sextile to Venus and trine to Uranus) can more than make up for.
At the same time, there’s a Sun / Pluto inconjunct which is not so easy overlook. These two bodies are both naturally very powerful forces. The Sun is tied to the ego, will and life-force, where Pluto is more about personal transformation. In this case the inconjunct aspect can force a need for compromise, between the rigid, authoritarian Pluto and Capricorn, and erratic and unpredictable Sun in Gemini.
The first-quarter Moon takes place on Friday just before that Moon goes void of course and then moves into Libra. The first quarter Moon is tied to home, family, security, emotions and needs (among other things). This is a very sociable Moon, and while it may not be the time to try to delve too deeply into any one thing, it’s great for connecting and interacting with others.
The Libra Moon is in mutual reception with Venus, as each of these planets are placed in the sign the other one rules. These mutual receptions act to strengthen the natural influences of the planets involved, uniting them together in collaboration.The Libra Moon is known for fairness and objectivity. It’s good for social interactions that call for cooperation and collaboration, as it strives for balance and harmony at all times.
There’s a Grand Air trine involving the Moon, Mercury and Saturn on Saturday. This is said to be a auspicious configuration, with the planets involved all supporting one another in harmony. The Moon / Mercury portion of this aspect is participatory and collaborative, while the Moon / Saturn portion is more about logic, efficiency and common sense.
With the Moon right now the only planet (aside from Pluto) that’s not currently besieged by Saturn and Mars, we might want to put some added emphasis on the above qualities and characterizes. Focusing more on cooperation and unity can do us all a world of good.
As the week winds down (on Sunday) we see Jupiter turning stationary retrograde after spending the last 9 months in direct motion. Jupiter retrograde turns all of our spiritual and higher-mind impulses inward. It can bring greater insights and awareness based on what resonates with us personally rather than through external doctrines.
Jupiter is the planet associated with higher consciousness and spiritual pursuits. It emphasizes personal growth, expansion and individuation. When it’s retrograde, all of those spiritual and higher-mind impulses are turned inward. It can bring greater insights and awareness based on what resonates with us personally rather than through external doctrines. Here you can read more about Jupiter retrograde (involving a previous retrograde cycle) for more insights into this phenomenon.
Jupiter will move back into Aquarius on July 29th, where it remain for the duration of the retrograde and then some. It goes direct again — at 22° Aquarius — on October 19th. Use this time to think about what makes you feel fulfilled on a Soul level, rather than the objects and accomplishments that bring you external comfort and satisfaction. It’s a time for pursuing altruistic or charitable goals. And a time to build on your personal relationship with your own higher power.
That’s it for this week! see you next week.
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
Jun 14, 2021 – Jun 20, 2021

Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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This article also appears on the Psychic Scoop website.