Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Astrology Forecast for the week of May 21, 2017 – May 27, 2017:
We start this week on Sunday with a moon in mysterious, ambiguous Pisces at the midpoint of Saturn and Mars. While this isn’t an easy aspect — it can translate as melancholy or even a bit morose — it does soften some of the tension and frustration that accompanies hard Saturn / Mars aspects.
In this case Saturn and Mars are moving into opposition (exact on the 29th) with the Moon at the apex of a loose t-square. Because the Moon is in Pisces, we may be more sensitive to the moods and whims of others, and because Mars is currently out of bounds, we may be more likely to feel under attack.
But fortunately lunar transits are fleeting, making this Moon / Saturn / Mars planetary picture more likely to pass by with barely a notice. The Moon goes void of course in the early morning hours, before it moves into Aries around 10 am.
Monday and Tuesday are relatively uneventful — as far as exact astrological aspects go — but that doesn’t mean “nothing happens.” There are numerous major transits in play, several of them within very close orb.
The Moon is in Aries for all of Monday and part of Tuesday, before it moves into Taurus Tuesday afternoon. Monday’s lunar transits include an opposition to Jupiter. a conjunction to Venus and a sextile to Mars. These are all relatively benevolent transits that are good for socializing and interacting with others.
The Taurus Moon on Tuesday makes no major aspects. It is however exalted in Taurus and crosses its exact degree of exaltation at around 7pm (UT). The Taurus Moon can have us thinking about our value systems and the things that we hold near and dear, which as most of us know by now are not always “things.”
We can put good use to this energy by thinking about what is most meaningful for us, and what we can do to cultivate it during this time. It’s a good day to lounge around the house, listening to music, baking, decorating, and — depending on where in the world you are located — landscaping and gardening.
Moving onto Wednesday, the Moon is still in Taurus and conjuncts Mercury, sextiles Neptune and trines Pluto before the day is through. These transits are especially good for relaxing, meditating and getting grounded. These are all Taurus Moon activities, with the idea of comfort, luxury, and getting in touch with nature and the earth being the corresponding theme.
We have a New Moon at 4° Gemini 46 on Thursday at 7:44 pm UT (or 3:44pm EDT). As New Moons always represent new beginnings and opportunities to start anew, this one presents opportunities for gathering facts, communicating ideas and interacting with others.
Gemini is a dual sign, naturally prone to emotional twists and turns. It’s about being flexible and deftly juggling interests and opportunities.
The Gemini New Moon is adept at flitting from one interest to another, assimilating information and interacting with others. It’s good for communicating your ideas — in person or on paper — and also good for brushing up on your studies.
The Sabian Symbol for this degree is: “A Radical Magazine Or Publication, Asking For Action, Displays A Sensational Front Page.” It will be interesting to see how this symbol manifests given the current political climate and state of affairs.
Also on Thursday, Venus squares Pluto. This aspect can rain a bit on your parade, especially if you’ve been dealing with tension in your relationship. Venus is debilitated in Aries (the sign opposite Libra, which it naturally rules). This can manifest as impatience, aggression or irritability. Problems that have been simmering beneath the surface can come to a head and force you to confront your relationship problems head on.
This is not the time to deliver an ultimatum or back someone into a corner. This transit can be volatile and can lead to actions and decisions that can’t be taken back later. Choose your relationship battles wisely during this time — or better yet choose not to do battle at all.
The Moon continues moving through Gemini for all of Friday, with a trine to Jupiter, square to Neptune and sextile to Venus. These aspects are friendly and sociable but also relatively fleeting. They can be good for going out and partying on a Friday night, or having a few friends over for dinner.
We end the week with Mercury and Jupiter in an uncomfortable aspect — an inconjunct — on Saturday. This aspect is complicated by the fact that Jupiter is retrograde. As Mercury and Jupiter are natural polarities, there’s a tendency to struggle with indecision, uncertainty, or absent-mindedness when these two planets are not in harmony.
With respect to their current placements, you want to make sure you have all the facts before you arrive at a decision, hold off on making promises that you might not be able to keep, and in general get clear about what you believe in before you start preaching your beliefs to others. The upside of this transit though is that it forces you to reevaluate what you do stand for and to make whatever adjustments are necessary to accommodate changing ideals.
That’s it for now. See you next week!
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
May 21, 2017 – May 27, 2017
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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