Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Astrology Forecast for the week of May 28, 2017 – Jun 3, 2017:
It’s going to be an eventful week for us all astrologically, starting with Mercury sextiling Neptune on Sunday. This aspect is good for meditating, journaling, or any type of creative communications (songwriting, poetry, composing love letters, etc.) It’s also a highly sensitive aspect that favors getting in touch with your intuition and paying attention to your dreams.
Mars opposes Saturn on Monday, just as Chiron inconjuncts the North Node. Starting with the Mars / Saturn opposition, this aspect pits the planet that is associated with action and aggression (Mars) against the planet associated with limitations and restrictions (Saturn). It’s often likened to having the pedal to the metal and driving full speed ahead (Mars) and plowing into a brick wall (Saturn).
It can be tremendously frustrating as you’re raring to go and the Universe is putting roadblocks in your path. No matter what you try to accomplish during this time, know that Saturn has the upper hand and that you will be met with challenges. It’s not the time to engage in any confrontational (or legally questionable) behaviors as you’re unlikely to come out unscathed.
Try to respect the wisdom of Saturn and accept that whatever limitations are in place are there for a reason, which will likely reveal itself to you in time.
Mercury trines Pluto on Wednesday, while Mars sextiles Uranus. The Mercury / Pluto aspect is excellent for digging deep and ferreting out information. It’s good for doing research and looking for hidden clues. It’s also good for deep, soulful meaningful conversations that get to the heart of the matter.
The Mars / Uranus trine is a high-energy aspect that can have you feeling like you can succeed in anything you set your sites on. There’s not a lot of forethought there; it’s all action, energy and innovation. It’s moving forward in leaps and bounds, breaking through whatever has held you back in the past and pushing past limitations.
On Thursday, Mars sextiles the North Node and Venus trines Saturn. Starting with the sextile to the North Node (which automatically trines the South Node), this aspect is all about taking an active role in group Interactions and discussions. It’s about cooperation and collaboration. You don’t want to lead and you don’t want to follow: remember that there needs to be a good balance between give and take with this transit.
Mars / Node transits can bring new people into the fold. People who will spur you on to take risks and to let go of your fears. Alternately it may be you giving the pep talks and helping others to reach their full potential. But don’t try to force your views on others or you could wind up alienating them.
The Venus / Saturn trine aspect describes a need for careful consideration of what you value and where you stand in your relationships. It’s a good time to sit down and have a heart to heart talk with a loved one. It brings depth and wisdom to your thinking, especially regarding matters of the heart.
On Friday, Mars squares Chiron, just before it moves into the final degree — called an Anaretic degree — of Gemini. This aspect can see you fighting against the urge to put your own needs aside in favor of the “greater good.” While that might seem like a valid endeavor, it can also skew your perceptions and see you fighting for something you may not believe in after all.
With Mars out of bounds and at an anaretic degree, it may behave a bit like a wild card here: increasing the impulsive and erratic energy that is already associated with Mars. And the Moon joins in (late in the day) turning this square to Chiron into a t-square. If you’re starting your weekend with a bang, be mindful of these transits and steer clear of confrontations with others.
Or better yet, hold off until Saturday, when Venus conjuncts Uranus in Aries, just as the Sun trines Mars. The Sun / Mars aspect is all about finding your stride and taking initiative to make things happen. This aspect is self-assured and confident. It’s perfect for manifesting your goals. It tells you that whatever you want to attain is completely within your reach and that now is the time to go after it.
The Venus / Uranus conjunction is more about establishing your own unique role in relationship. It’s about forging your own path and defining your own concept of relationship, without worrying about status quo expectations. Especially because this conjunction occurs in fiery, passionate and pioneering Aries.
It can bring someone new in, too — a sudden attraction to someone who goes against “type” and can manifest as love at first sight whirlwind romance. Venus and Uranus together can be exciting but somewhat erratic. So stay in the moment rather than projecting any long-term ideals onto a relationship that ignites during this transit.
That’s it for now. See you next week!
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
May 28, 2017 – Jun 3, 2017
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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