Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of September 2, 2024 – September 8, 2024:
This week starts on Monday as Mercury trines Chiron, with the Moon joining in later in the day. This transit can It brings elements like compassion, humility and tolerance to the mix, which makes social interactions so much more pleasant. As both of Mercury and Chiron are in fire signs, the desire to take action and make things happen is strong.
And when you add the Moon to the mix, the capacity for understanding others and being able to put yourself in their shoes — as well as the ability to express genuine caring and compassion for those who aren’t always so easy to love — is greatly enhanced.
Keep this in mind as Mars squares Neptune on Tuesday, throwing a potential wrench into your plans. It can see you feeling confused or distracted. It can manifest as doubting your abilities or questioning other people’s motives. While Mercury / Chiron is compassionate and caring ,Mars / Neptune is ambiguous and prone to flights of fancy. You’ll have to figure out a way to balance these competing energies if you want to get anything done.
This transit can be somewhat sobering, and leave you feeling melancholy, but only if you let it. You may not have a lot of energy and feel like staying close to home. This is actually recommended, as the Moon in Virgo will turn this aspect into a t-square, increasing the wistfulness of this aspect.
We also have a New Moon at 11° Virgo 04′ on Tuesday. As New Moons always represent new beginnings and opportunities to start new, this one — in Virgo — brings opportunities to be of service to others. It prompts you to look at what improvements you can make in your own life and what your contributions are to the world at large.
Virgo is the sign associated with work, efficiency, duty and service, among many other things. During this New Moon cycle, you’d be well served too focus on these areas, as well as on the areas associated with the house it falls in your natal chart.
In what areas do you need to shift your own focus toward being more productive and of service to others? Where do you need to make improvements? What aspects of your Self / your life / your relationships do you need to put in more time and effort? These are the questions you want to be asking yourself during this cycle.
Mars leaves Gemini behind and moves into Cancer on Wednesday. Mars is debilitated in Cancer, the sign opposite its exaltation (Capricorn). It can be moody, temperamental and irritable. It can also manifest as passive-aggression. But as with all weak planetary placements, there are also some wonderfully favorable aspects: in this case a motivation (Mars) toward empathy, nurturing and caring for others.
Because Mars is also currently out of bounds, you want to be on the lookout for erratic behavior from others during this time. You want to stay centered and not allow your buttons get pushed. Or at the very least recognize the importance of not taking things personally.
On Thursday, Venus conjuncts the North Node, and simultaneously opposes the South node. This aspect can bring new people into your life who feel familiar and who can be instrumental to your evolutional process. This aspect is karmic in nature, meaning that the people you meet during this time are here to propel you toward your destiny — and vice versa.
Your actions and interactions can have far reaching repercussions so make sure you treat the people you meet during this time (and all times) with dignity and respect.
This is especially relevant as Venus next moves up to conjunct Juno, the asteroid associated with love, romance and marriage (among many other things) on Friday. Venus and Juno work well together, as Juno is said to be the key that unlocks the secret to finding lasting happiness in relationship. Consider that it doesn’t to always be about structure and disciplined. It can be lively, interactive and fun. These things are just as important in developing strong connections, and equally as valid.
Mercury squares Uranus on Saturday, and with both of these planets in fixed signs, there are likely to clashes with opposing groups based on strong differences in opinion. This aspect can be confrontational and can lead to intense disagreements and arguments, especially amongst those who think they know “everything.”
It can also bring out the rebel in you and everyone around you. You may feel like bucking the system or challenging other people’s attitudes. This aspect likes to go against the grain so be sure you’re really invested in whatever cause you’re devoting yourself to and not just doing things for shock value.
You may need to evaluate your own need to be right, or to be looked up to by others, and at the expense your confrontational tendencies have cost you. You may have to find a way to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, or to make concessions that may not feel comfortable but in the end can open your eyes to views you hadn’t considered before.
On Sunday, the Sun opposes Saturn. This isn’t an easy or particularly comfortable transit, as It pits the Self, Ego and Will (the Sun) against external obstacles and restrictions (Saturn). It forces you to consider all the things that could go wrong, and will more than likely convince you that they will.
Saturn opposite the Sun can see you needing to check your ego and to redefine who you are as a person. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the prospects of making changes in your life against what seem like insurmountable odds, if may be easy to blame it on Saturn, especially as this transit can manifest as feelings of inadequacy. So the goal there is self-validation; and reminding yourself that you’re worthy and deserving of love.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
September 2, 2024 – September 8, 2024
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